We are having some phone difficulties this week at our transportation center. For questions on transportation to start the school year, please call 605-884-6166. Thank you!
over 1 year ago, Jeff Danielsen
Due to construction related circumstances, the Watertown School District offices will close at noon on Friday, August 12th. We will reopen on Monday, August 15th at 8:00 AM.
over 1 year ago, Jeff Danielsen
Phase One of the Allen Mitchell Field remodel project will begin on Wednesday, June 29. The area will be under construction for the remainder of the summer and fall. The track will not be available for public use until this is completed. Thank you for your patience while we perform this upgrade.
almost 2 years ago, Jeff Danielsen
Due to sidewalk replacement along the front of the High School & Administration Offices, we ask the public to use the first set of doors to the south of the main entrance, labeled 5W. Gym access will continue to be the northwest arena doors. Thank you for your continued patience during our building project.
almost 2 years ago, Kim Johnson
Due to impending storms this evening, the Watertown High School Band concert has been postponed until Monday, May 23 at 7:30 PM.
almost 2 years ago, Jeff Danielsen
Garfield Education Center is still accepting enrollments for 3 and 4 year old Preschool. Please call Kara at 605-882-6398 for more information.
about 2 years ago, Kim Johnson
Dear Parent or Guardian: This communication should be considered formal notice that free meals will end at the close of this school year. Congress voted against covering school meal costs going forward into the 2022-23 school year. Starting in the Fall of 2022, parents/guardians will again be responsible for paying for school meals. We urge you to plan ahead now. Schools will be sending out a packet of information regarding the eligibility requirements to qualify for Free or Reduced School Meals. Please fill out the 2021-22 form in order to provide for a 30-day grace period in the fall, giving you more time to complete it for the 2022-23 school year. The communication will also provide information on how you can financially plan for next year.
about 2 years ago, Kim Johnson
To: Watertown Parents & Staff: The Watertown School District will be running 2 hours late on Tues. Feb. 22. All morning practices and activities will also be 2 hours late. No breakfast or AM preschool. We will evaluate conditions in the morning if a change to this is needed. Thank you.
about 2 years ago, Jeff Danielsen
No school in Watertown on Friday , January 14. All practices and activities are also canceled for Friday.
over 2 years ago, Jeff Danielsen
To: Watertown Staff and Parents, The Watertown School District is updating its COVID Isolation procedure to reflect current CDC language. We are now asking COVID positive individuals to remain home for 5 days followed by an additional 5 days of masking if asymptotic and without a fever for 24 hours. Symptomatic individuals should remain home until symptoms subside. This change will go in effect on Friday, January 7. Parents should work with their child's building principal on a return. Thank you and have a good evening.
over 2 years ago, Jeff Danielsen