Updated 1/17/25
ArrowTV is looking for students to help at our events. Please see Mr. Boyens in the Activities Office located at the north end of the arena.
Sophomores: NTHS registration will take place on Tuesday January 21st during advisory. Make sure you are logged into your K12 Google account and watch for the email from Ms Anderson.
Also the 2025-2026 registration meetings with your counselors are January 21st & 22nd.
The schedules are posted on the Arrow Outlet Store across from the principal’s office to see your scheduled time and location.
Please make sure you bring your laptop to your session and make sure it is fully charged.
Please review the Registration handbook on Student Services website for class offerings, graduation requirements and other registration details. Videos links are also available to view more detailed information!
The first Prom 2025 Committee Meeting will be held at 7:45am on Tuesday in Room 517. Please contact Ms. Vainikka for any questions.
Reminder that there is NO school on Monday, enjoy the long weekend!
The Winter Dance is on Friday, January 31st and sign up continues in the Principal's Office. The cost is $5 per person, $8 at the door. Just a reminder, this is NOT a formal dance and will begin after the home basketball game. All 9th - 12th grade WHS students can sign-up. Also, all detention MUST be served before you can attend.