Family Routines

Family routines are one of the best ways to help all kids feel safe and secure. Structure can also increase kids, self-confidence, self motivation, and sense of belonging. As children get older, routines help them gain independence and adjust to change more easily.

If routines are new to your family, don’t feel stressed to create a bunch of new routines all at once. Start with one and add more overtime. Pick routines at work for your family. Check out the ideas below!

What families can do:

  • Commit to a meal together as a family at least once a week with no cell phones.

  • Use sticky notes for deadlines or reminders. Make sure they’re visible for everyone.

  • Develop routines around daily or weekly activities like meal time, bathtime and bedtime.

  • Help older kids feel responsible, productive and appreciated by making a list of jobs/chores to do. Be sure to say thank you when tasks are completed.

  • Regularly schedule a relaxing time for family activity, such as weekly movie or game night.

  • On non-school days, do an outdoor activity like going on a walk or a little outing.