over 2 years ago, John Decker
One of the components of the SPDG Evaluation Plan is the annual Family Engagement Survey. They would like all families and educators to have the opportunity to share feedback on family engagement through this survey. After responses are gathered, each school will receive a report and can use that information to celebrate our strengths and improve in areas of need. Because all SPDG schools will also be completing the Family Friendly Walk-through with South Dakota Parent Connection this fall, we are asking that all parents complete this survey by September 15th. This will allow for time to compile the results into a report that can be reviewed during the Family Friendly Walk-through. Please click on the link and complete: https://survey.alchemer.com/s3/6440499/SDfamilysurvey
over 2 years ago, John Decker
REMINDER: PTO meeting today from 12:00-1:00 PM in the Jefferson conference room. See you then!!!
over 2 years ago, John Decker
PTO meeting on September 1st from 12:00-1:00 in the Jefferson Conference Room!!! Hope to see you then!!!
over 2 years ago, John Decker
Parent Reminders Please be sure to pull to the curb closest to the building as you drop your child tomorrow. We want to ensure that your children are safe and having them cross through the traffic creates a danger area. Also, the East front door will have supervision at 7:30. Please do not drop your child(ren) off any earlier. Breakfast begins at 7:50, otherwise, students go to the West playground. Let's make it a GREAT start to the NEW year.
over 2 years ago, Jefferson Jaguars