A reminder to Watertown School District families that Friday, April 21st is a full day of school. The final day of school for students is Friday, May 26th with a 12:30 dismissal.
Kindergarten Round Up for all day, every day Kindergarten is for children who will be five years of age on or before September 1, 2023. Screenings will take place on Wednesday, April 12 and Friday, April 14, 2023 at the Garfield Education Center. Appointments are required, so please call 605-882-6398 today!
The Watertown School District will start 2 hours late (10:15 AM) on Wednesday, April 5th. All morning activities and practices will also be 2 hours late. No breakfast served or AM preschool/JK. Conditions will be evaluated again in the morning.
There will be no school in Watertown on Friday, March 31. All activities are either postponed or cancelled.
The Watertown School Board is holding a special meeting on Monday, March 20th for the purpose of discussing our elementary schools. The meeting will take place at 5:30 PM in the Watertown High School Commons.
The plan for makeup snow days was approved at last night's Watertown School Board Meeting. That means school will start at 8:15 AM on Monday, March 20th and continue through the end of the school year on Friday, May 26th. School will dismiss 15 minutes later for the remainder of the year, so 3:35 for grades K-4 and 3:45 PM for grades 5-12. The rest of the information can be found at: https://5il.co/1qhjf.
The Watertown School District will be 2 hours late on Monday, March 13th. All morning practices and activities will also be 2 hours late. No breakfast, morning preschool or Junior Kindergarten.
Due to rural road conditions, the Watertown School District will be dismissing on Thursday, March 9th at 1:15 PM. All afterschool and evening activities will either be postponed or canceled. The Girls State BB Tournaments will still be going, as those are SDHSAA events.
The Watertown School District will be two hours late on Monday, March 6th. No breakfast will be served, and there is no AM preschool. All morning activities will also start two hours late.
The Watertown School District will be dismissing at 2:15 PM on Wednesday, March 1st. After school activities are either postponed or canceled. Thank you.
No school for the Watertown School District on Thursday, February 23rd. All activities are postponed or canceled for Thursday. Take care!
No school for the Watertown School District on Wednesday, February 22nd. All activities are postponed or canceled for Wednesday. Stay safe!
The Watertown School District will dismiss at 2:15 PM on Tuesday, February 21st. Evening activities will be either postponed or canceled.
The Watertown School District will be hosting a Family Mental Health Night on Tuesday, Feb. 21 at 7:00 PM. This is specific to Watertown families, and the preregistration can be accessed at https://cookcenter.info/WatertownFeb21. Thanks for considering.
The Watertown School District is seeking community input on our elementary schools. If you haven't seen any of the presentations, viewing information is included in the survey. Thank you for taking the time to respond. The survey link is also included on our district web pages. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdtFGEdYAzZyeFa5pH2xHMb2CITW32nBo6rs4LaYVOX7e97fA/viewform.
The Watertown School District will be closed on Wednesday, February 15th. All activities are cancelled for the day.
The Watertown School District will start two hours late on Wednesday, February 15th. All morning practices and activities will also start two hours late. Conditions will be evaluated in the morning if further postponement is needed.
To help make up the half day that was missed before Christmas Break, the Watertown School District will have school all day on Wednesday, February 22nd for students in Grades PK-8. WHS students will still be dismissed at 12:30 PM with assignments conveyed by staff prior to the dismissal.
The Watertown School District is inviting community members to join us at the Watertown High School Commons for sessions discussing our elementary schools. We will host two different meetings for this purpose on Monday, January 30th and Wednesday, February 8th both at 5:30 PM. Attendees will hear a presentation from district officials on the state of our elementary schools and then are welcome to stay for a question and answer period.
The Watertown High School Holiday Concert on Monday, December 12th has now been POSTPONED. More details to follow with an updated evening for this. Safe travels.